
Welcome! This blog is the work of the Health Policy Students Association (HPSA) at the University of Michigan. As students of public health and policy, we spend much of our time in the classroom learning about what has worked in the past, what needs to be fixed (health care costs! coverage gaps! poor quality! oh my!), and what research tells us is needed to fix healthcare systems both nationally and abroad. We write our school assignments, get our marks, and then turn the corner to the next assignment. 

Until now.

This blog is our little experiment to allow Michigan students interested in public health and policy to stretch their wings - moving from student observers to commentators and yes, bloggers. Here you'll find our thoughts on current events or areas of interest that draw upon reputable sources of evidence wherever possible. We know that often, there is no easy solution, so this blog will be unafraid from venturing into the gray areas. Original content will be written by University of Michigan students. However, students represent their individual views, and not those of their professors or the University of Michigan.

We won't be perfect, but we thank you for your interest and reading while we embark on this geeky adventure. We welcome your comments to help us learn and grow.